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Multiple Choice
Jun 2010 - Oct 2010

'Multiple Choice' examines the Gallery's diverse holdings of artists' multiples: from record albums to ceramics, posters, books and toys. While the category of the multiple is slippery and often contested, this display focuses on a range of approaches since the 1960s: ideas of repetition, duplication and dissemination are explored. The Gallery's rich holdings of Fluxus multiples provide an important point of departure. They introduce the idea of the multiple as an attempt to undermine the notion of the unique art object and the desire to create pieces that could be deployed in everyday life rather than confined to the rarified context of the art museum. Also included are works by contemporary artists Damien Hirst, Takashi Murakami and Tracey Emin, who have worked strategically from within the broader field of popular culture to disseminate their ideas through music videos, advertisements, album art work and other media.